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Hey there!

I’m currently based in Vienna but available for projects worldwide.

I’ve had the privilege to work with brands like IKEA, VISA, the City of Vienna, ÖFB, Westfield, Moncler, Gurkerl, and Falkensteiner Hotels, creating visuals that stand out and connect. My flexibility and creative mindset allow me to adapt to any project, no matter the size or scope.

I often work solo – just me, my camera, and the people on set – whether it’s a simple portrait session, capturing candid moments, or exploring locations on my own. That said, I also collaborate with my small, trusted team for larger productions when needed. Whatever the project requires, I’m ready to deliver.

A good vibe on set is key – because when the energy is right, the results speak for themselves.

Drop me an email at or use the form below. Let’s make something amazing together.

Danke für die Nachricht, ich melde mich in Kürze!


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG / § 14 UGB:

Dragan Dokmanovic
Albertgasse 19/27
1080 Wien


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